Our What...
Psalms chapter one speaks of the followers of God being as trees rooted by streams of living water, prospering, and bearing fruit in every season.
The Marketplace apprenticeship of AWAKE Communities Int, endeavors to introduce creative leaders with a heart of revival & reformation to a practical approach of bringing Kingdom living into their everyday environments. Our hope is that we can all become rooted and grounded in the love of God in such a way that cities and regions are transformed by the presence of God through our lives.
Our core values of honor, order, and devotion provide the groundwork for our hearts to become good soil for the rooting process to take place.
Our Why...
Cultivate is NOT a job in the traditional sense of the word. Cultivate IS a paid apprenticeship which seeks to equip leaders & entrepreneurs with Christ-centered marketplace leadership skills in the areas of coffee, community care, innovation, and creative arts.
Over the past 8 years we have designed a journey based program where you will learn practical life and business skills. Our discovery training is crafted to lead you in uncovering God’s heart for you through “doing life” in community with our team & leaders.
Our hope is that you will discover how to practically walk out your love for God in your homes, cities, and nations. As you work and serve alongside our team of young faith-filled influencers, we believe you will find strength in our faith-family and become rooted in devotion and receive God’s heart for your future.